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Protection of personal data

Protection of personal data in according to the Personal Data Act

According to the Personal Data Act, whose content can be read on the Data Inspectorate's website, you have the right to be informed about the processing of personal data we register electronically.

The main guard at Billund Airport A/S stores personal information in an electronic register in relation to the issuance of Id cards, guest cards and car passports. It is information provided by you and your employer in connection with an application for either an Id card, a guest card or a car passport.

You are entitled to object in accordance with the Personal Data Act. You have the right to gain insight into the information that is registered on you.

If the information about you is incorrect, incomplete or misleading, you are entitled to have the stored information corrected or deleted.

You can contact us at any time in order to find out what information the Main Guard in Billund Airport A/S has registered with you.