Artwork at the airport
The bird
The bird is located in the central hall to the right side of check-in row A. It is called Take Off and was created by the artist Henrik Voldmester in connection with 25th anniversary of the airport in 1989. It was a gift from the staff to the airport.
King Amleds Bracelet
King Amleds bracelet in the King Amlet Lounge is a copy of the original Danish treasure trove, which is located at the National Museum. The original bracelet was found at a field near one of the hills. The story of King Amled is believed to have been an inspiration for Shakespeare's story about Hamlet. Saxo's chronicle describes King Amleds life in detail, and it is a very bloody story about murder and cunning in the best style.
Unique artwork in bronze
The unique bronze artwork was made by sculptor Willy Ørskov in 1987 and was revealed at Billund Airport by Willys widow, Grete Grathwol, in June 2013. The Bronze Sculpture is without name and everyone is free to interpret what it seems to be similar to . You will find the sculpture in the hallway around gate 8-10.
Financial Times One
The painting of Ib Monrad Hansen "Financial Times One" is a magnificent portrayal of a small Brazilian mountain village. There are many interpretations of the painting, and some believe to have seen Jesus on the cross in it. See if you can spot all the small details in the painting in the central hall in the waiting area to the right of the check-in counters A.