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Company establichment, known supplier, etc.

What it takes to access the airport's areas

In order for you, as a company, to access Billund Airport's restricted areas, there must be an operational purpose.

Therefore, the company must be registered in our register via this form, which must be filled in with information about the company, the purpose of the need for access, and information responsible for the employees in relation to the applications for Id cards and car passports. 

Signature form

The completed form must be sent to the HR either via mail in pdf format to id-kort@bll.dk or per mail to Billund Airport, Att..: HR, Passengerterminalen 10, 7190 Billund. 

Access for persons, vehicles and supplies (goods, spare parts, etc.)

Personal access cards (Id cards) must be given to all employees who need to enter the airport's locked areas.

If there is a need to drive vehicles into the area, this must also be approved by the airport. If there is a need to take airport supplies and/or aircraft supplies (goods, spare parts, etc.) into the specially protected area (including the aircraft and in the restricted areas in the terminal), a special permit must be given.

To obtain this permission, there are a number of prerequisites that must be met by the company. Information about this can be obtained by contacting Dorte Færgemann at e-mail: dfu@bll.dk or phone: +45 76 50 53 28.